о, сколько нам открытий чудных..
никто не желает перевести фанфик (или.. помочь с переводом)
Title: 1001 Nights in Hueco Mundo
Author: Bankai Betty
Language: english
Link: FanFiction.Net
Summary: Inoue puts her creativity to the test during her captivity. Where the heck is her rescue team? Rampant OOC
он того стоит, нэ?
Title: 1001 Nights in Hueco Mundo
Author: Bankai Betty
Language: english
Link: FanFiction.Net
Summary: Inoue puts her creativity to the test during her captivity. Where the heck is her rescue team? Rampant OOC
он того стоит, нэ?
это по чему судите?